Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Types of Stop Motion Animation

Stop Motion Animation used to describe animation created by physically manipulating the real-world object and photographing them one frame of the video at a time to create the illusion of movement.
There are many various types of stop-motion animation, usually named after the medium used to create the animation. Computer software is widely available to create a type of animation. However, the traditional stop motion is less expensive and time-consuming to produce than the current computer animation.
Stop Motion Animation

1. Puppet Animation
Puppet animation typically involves stop-motion puppet figures interacting in a constructed environment, in contrast to real-world interaction in model animation. The puppets have an armature inside of them to keep them still and steady to constrain their motion to particular joints. There are so many Stop Motion Animation.

2. Clay Animation
Clay animation uses figures made up of clay or similar malleable material to create the stop-motion animation. The figures have an armature or wire frame inside, similar to the related puppet animation, which can be manipulated to pose the figures.

3. Cutout Animation
Cutout Animation is a kind of stop-motion animation produced by moving two-dimensional pieces of material cloth or paper.

4. Model Animation
Model animation created to interact with and exist as a part of a live-action world. Matte effects and split screens are often used to blend stop-motion characters or objects with live actors and settings.

5. Object Animation
Object animation applies to the use of regular inanimate objects in stop-motion animation, as opposed to specially created items.

Graphics Animation
The graphic animation uses the non-drawn flat visual graphic material like photographs, magazines, newspaper clippings, etc. which are sometimes managed frame-by-frame to create movement. At other times, the graphics stop stationary, while the stop-motion camera is moved to create on-screen action.

Brickfilm are a subgenre of object animation including using Lego and other similar brick toys to make an animation. These have had a recent boost in popularity with the arrival of video sharing sites, YouTube and the availability of affordable cameras and animation software.

6. Pixilation
Pixilation involves the use of real humans as stop motion characters. It allows for some surreal effects, including disappearances and reappearances, enabling people to appear to slide across the ground, and other effects.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

How to Animate a Reaction Shot
How do student animators approach the business of animating a Reaction Sh
Reaction shots are the bread-and-butter of junior animators.

On a feature film, once you have graduated from walk cycles and crowd shots, you get given reaction shots to test your mettle.

A reaction shot is where animators first start to get to grips with acting and performance. Just like live-action actors, animated characters on a screen must listen - and react.

Animating a "Take"
An exaggerated reaction shot is also sometimes called a "take".
There is a large section in the Animator's Survival Kit on takes, for good reason. The starting point for a take is always a series of rough sketches or thumbnail drawings to help plan out the key poses and the timing of the action.

Planning your animation
One of the biggest challenges encountered by student animators is how to block out a shot from scratch, starting off with nothing but a blank screen and a character rig. In animation you get nothing for free. You start off with a digital puppet, usually in a stiff "T-pose", and you have to figure out the rest yourself.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

25 shortcuts of Photoshop

                          Image result for Photoshop

Every Graphic Designer can understand the value & the importance of ‘ Photoshop’ Software. Photoshop works like a magic wand on image if we use them properly. We always take so many short cuts to save our time. So don’t in Photoshop? Photoshop has many shortcuts so you can achieve your desired output in short time without lowering the quality. Let’s have a look.
Getting Set Up
You'd think setting up your content in Photoshop would be second nature. But sometimes, the shortcuts to change the background size, or zoom into your project aren't what you think. Here are some of the most crucial fundamental shortcuts to know:
1) Control + Alt + i (Command + Option + i ) = Change the image size.
2) Control Alt c (Command + Option + c ) = Change canvas size.
3) Control + (Command + + ) = Zoom in.
4) Control - (Command + - ) = Zoom out.
Control + ' (Command ) = Show or hide the grid, the automatically-generated horizontal and vertical lines that help align objects to the canvas.
5) v = Pointer, a.k.a. Move Toolpointer-tool.png 
6) w = Magic Wandmagic-wand-tool.png
7) m = Rectangular Marquee, a.k.a. the Select Toolmarquee-tool-1.png
8) l = Lassolasso-tool.png
9) i = Eyedroppereyedropper-tool.png
10) c = CropScreen Shot 2017-05-26 at 12.09.20 PM.png
11) e = EraserScreen Shot 2017-05-26 at 12.21.32 PM.png
12) u = Rectanglerectangle-tool.png
13) t = Horizontal Typetext-tool.png
14) b = BrushScreen Shot 2017-05-26 at 12.15.15 PM.png
15) y = History Brushhistory-brush-tool.png
16) j = Spot Healing Brushspot-healing-tool.png
17) g = GradientScreen Shot 2017-05-26 at 12.14.32 PM.png
18) a = Path Selectionpath-selection-tool.png
19) h = Handhand-tool.png
20) r = Rotate Viewrotate-view-tool.png
21) p = Penpen-tool.png
22) s = Clone Stampclone-stamp-tool.png
23) o = DodgeScreen Shot 2017-05-26 at 12.16.48 PM.png
24) z = Zoom Toolzoom-tool.png
25) d = Default Foreground and Background ColorsScreen Shot 2017-05-26 at 12.23.24 PM.png

This is only for today. There are so many shortcuts are waiting for you to introduce themselves, which we will see in our future blog.